My Creative Process
I spend all my time writing and filling my creativity bucket. I love learning new things. I love to go out on adventures and I love to feel the magic of the world and so I write a lot, I meditate, I spend a lot of time out in nature and this is part of my creative process. This is where I draw inspiration from and so everything kind of centres around my poetry because it's through my writing that I connect with my heart and it's through connecting to my heart that I'm able to find out what it is that makes my heart beat and what it is I want to make or create.
My process always kind of starts with writing and then from there things will come to me. Ideas, Inspirations, dreams and then I just try to pull them into reality. Everything I do is intuitive. It is from my imagination and it's from my heart. I know when I'm not working from this place, when something doesn't feel right or if it feels hard to do, then I know that I'm not in alignment with my heart and so my process is very much about listening to my heart first to see what ideas are showing up and then to move on from there.
At the moment my heart is obsessed with fairies. I grew up loving fairies. To me they are symbol of fragility and vulnerability and they mean so much to me. They encompass all the magic of this world and my fairies are a direct connection to my heart and so I make them because I want them to help other people also connect with their heart. My hope is that my fairies and my poetry inspire others to form that connection with themselves because I want everyone to experience what it is like live a more deep and meaningful life. I believe that is what we're here for, we're here to connect with our heart, to find ourselves and our calling and to live with freedom and joy and magic.
Gemma x